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June 2021

How to use the
"All That Stamp App"

(for the Peace World Bike Path)

The Peace World Bike Path - 평화누리 자전거길 uses an app to track your progress as you cycle from one checkpoint to another. It's called All That Stamp - 올댓스탬프. I explain how to use it in the video below. Note: In this video, I only explain how to use the app with the Peace World Bike Path. Other tour programs that are listed in the app work a little differently. Stay tuned for future posts on those. 

If you open the video in YouTube, you can see chapter links. 

Here are links to download the app:

- Google Play: Link

- Apple Store: Link.

vertical line for mobile site.png

For more great content, considering ordering one of my cycling books or getting a copy of my giant map, "Korea’s Cycling and Long-Distance Hiking Paths." Click the images to learn more! 

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